Sunday, April 3, 2011

Extension to 4/5!! Special Assignment April 4th!

Greetings Class,

Due to technical difficulties I have extended the course assignment. It is now due by 10pm tomorrow 4/5.


TSGeo 101
April 4th: Special Assignment
The Importance of Geography:
Last week, a member of Congress was publically embarrassed when he failed to demonstrate basic geographic knowledge of the country of Libya. You can check out the full article here:

As we have discussed in class, it is essential to your professional career that you have a basic idea where many places are located. Below, you will need to locate the country/city that is currently in the news. Each question, will specify how you should locate the place, ie coordinates or regional location.

If I ask for the coordinate, that means 30 North Latitude, 45 West Longitude. If the question asks for a Regional Location, then I am looking for you to give me a location in the context of continent, country, and location. For example, the regional location of London would be: London is a city is the United Kingdom, which is located on the eastern portion of Europe.

1) What is the regional location of Libya? Give the continent and direction of the place, ie Maryland is located on the Eastern Coast of North America.

2) Locate Afghanistan on the map. What are the coordinates of this country? As long as the coordinated you give are in Afghanistan you will be correct.

3) Japan has been in the news a lot lately due to the March earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent nuclear meltdown. What bodies of water surround Japan?
4) Over the weekend, two earthquakes also occurred in Pakistan. What mountain ranges would you find in this country?

5) This weekend also brought the announcement that BP is going to resume oiling drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Where would you find the Gulf of Mexico (Regional Location)? What countries and US states border the Gulf?

This assignment needs to be turned in via email to by 10pm on Monday April 4th. Worth 10pts.

Any questions, let me know.

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