Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome GEO 101 Spring 2011 Class!

Greetings class!

I am very excited to begin this course with all of you! My goals for the semester are to help all of you learn more about the subject of Geography. Over the course of the semester, we will be studying the natural features of the Earth, in addition to its processes. I hope to assist you in being able to identify more place on a map, use geography to form mental maps of places, and foster a better understanding of Earth processes, including, weather, climate, and natural landforms

If you ever have a question on our course, please feel free to email me at

Here's your first homework assignment:

Question: What are your goals for Geo 101? Please list at least three things that you are hoping to learn in this course.

Assignment: Please submit your answer to the question above in a paper, not to exceed 1/2 page. Your answer should be 6 to 10 sentences, typed.


TS 1/24/2011