Welcome to GEO 101!!
Our class will use this blog to enhance our communications throughout the semester. As college students it can be difficult to remember what's going on in which class. This blog will assist students in staying organized and staying on top of assignments.
Congrats on successfully navigating to the class blog for GEO 101. Your assignment for this week is to create a goal statement for this course. In a few paragraphs, please tell me what you hope to achieve through completing GEO 101. Your response should be a SMART goal, meaning that it is achieveable in a 5 month time span and is relevant to the course.
Here are a few suggestions:
>Learn more about the environment
>Become better informed about natural hazards
>Understand Earth cycles
>Be able to use maps in lesson planning
Responses should be at least 2 paragraphs and typed. You may email them to me at tsilwick@cecil.edu or turn them in Monday February 2nd at the start of class.